Short announcements, thoughtful thoughts, stupid rants, commentary about things that matter, and all the rest. In other words, this is Oberdada's glögg.
A poetry recital
Of squirrels and magpies
Controlled opposition media
[ANN] Un coup de dés
On luddites and academiology
Jarlo Martelmonto
Face à Gaïa: book review
Another kind of political division
=> gemlog/2024-06-26_hitchhikers_guide.gmi 2024-06-26 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Solutions in search of a problem
Re: Music addiction
Concrete poem generator
eter etendi; zo mifra herpa-shemap
Invitation to mail art exchange
RE: The artist's position in society
RE: Le marché a toujours tort
New web hotel
Tombeau du forum synthé-modulaire
Csound: too big to fail?
Impeachment opera
Badiou's manuel d'inesthétique
Random music
Recommendation algorithms: all fail
Degrees of democracy
Two years on gemini
The truth about art
Slow art
Gibson's theory of ecological vision
Minimal audio toolkit
Three variations on a feedback theme
[ANN] Strange Bedfellows
AI Questionnaire
Guy Debord and the Spectacle
AI for creativity and repression
Re: Rewilding Music
SMILE: Progress and collapse
Silence, please
Thoughts on Cecil Taylor
Colour prints
Conviviality with those you've never met
Curatorial thinking, free speech
Patterns in noise
Ellul on nonsense art
Against Interpretation
Art & Images: AI
Cute robots
Hello consumer
The madness
Peptalk update
Video update
Predatory journals
Smil's history of energy
The global battery
A month without internet
Algorithmic and musical complexity
Peptalk (the oracle)
Art spaces
Re: Art fear
ANN: Metal Guide
Behave (Sapolsky)
Art on the internet
Ig-Nobel and copyright
The Web Archive
Drawings for the wastebasket
Six Easy Pieces
Contact: goindhaarq at protonmail . com